Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: 28 April 1987
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uwplot - plot filter for use with UW  


uwplot [ -ttitle ] [ -nserveraddr ]  


Uwplot is a utility program for use with the uw multiple-window interface to UNIX. It creates a window, reads plotting instructions from the standard input, and displays the result in the window. (The plotting commands are produced by programs which use the standard UNIX plot package.)

The title of the newly-created window may be specified with the `-t' option. If this option is omitted, the title will be the name of the command which created it (i.e. `uwplot').

Normally uwplot will examine the environment for the variable `UW_INET' and will connect to the uw server with that address. The `-n' flag can be used to specify an alternate server network address. The address should have the form `xxxxxxxx.ddd' where `x' is a hexadecimal digit and `d' is a decimal digit. The hexadecimal number is the host's Internet address and the decimal number is the port on which the server is listening for connections.

`linemod' commands in the plot file are intended to select the color in which the plot is drawn; however, this feature is untested. The old-model Quickdraw colors may be specified by name (all lower-case). The standard plot linemod names are mapped to colors as follows:

black     solid
red       shortdashed
green     dotdashed
blue      longdashed
yellow    dotted

The present implementation on the Macintosh is a square window with vertical and horizontal dimensions of 300 pixels. Arcs are not drawn correctly when the vertical and horizontal scaling factors are unequal.  


Uwterm is of no use on unix unless the server is running and uw is being run on the Macintosh.  


plot(1G), plot(3X), plot(5), uw(L)
uw Macintosh documentation (`UW --- A Multiple-Window Interface to UNIX')
`The UW Programmer's Library'  


John Bruner, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 10/86.




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